
Life After Pain: 6 Keys to Break Free of Pain and Get Your Life Back (Dr. Jonathan Kuttner)

I promise I’m not on commission but I recently read this great book and thought I’d recommend it to you if you suffer from chronic pain (that is pain lasting for more than about 3 months). Life After Pain is written by a doctor from New Zealand who had a hand gliding accident and suffered seven years of daily debilitating pain. He decided to research chronic pain for this book, cured his own pain and now treats people with chronic pain regularly. His book gives you a very easy-to-understand explanation of chronic pain, how it can manifest in different ways in people and how to manage, ease and, in a number of cases, even resolve the pain. Having bought the book you can then access bonus material online which gives you more tips and guidance to relieve your pain.

Referred pain

Referred pain A hugely common question asked of Osteopaths is…”What is referred pain?”. Referred pain is a strange term…

Pain and sleep

Whether it is caused by an injury or a medical condition such as osteo-arthritis or fibromyalgia, chronic pain can keep you up…

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