Lower Body

Exercise therapy in the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis (NCOR Snapshot Summary)

Osteoarthritis is “a chronic arthropathy characterized by disruption and potential loss of joint cartilage along with other joint changes, including bone hypertrophy (osteophyte formation). Symptoms include gradually developing pain aggravated or triggered by activity, stiffness lasting < 30 min on awakening and after inactivity, and occasional joint swelling". The most common sites affected in the lower body are the knees and hips.

Groin pain – is it coming from the hip?

Groin pain can be a tricky problem because the location of the pain can often be a poor indicator of where the issue originates. This can be further complicated if the problem becomes chronic (over about 3 months) as there can be an accumulation of different issues adding further layers of complexity. It is very important therefore that your Osteopath or manual therapist makes a clear diagnosis and works through the possible possibilities thoroughly.

Piriformis syndrome

The small piriformis muscle, attaching from the sacrum to the upper part of our femur (thigh bone), is a poorly understood and…

Plantar fascitis

The plantar fascia is a tough, fibrous area of connective tissue on the bottom of the foot between the ball of the foot and the…

Ankle, achilles & foot pain

The ankle and foot complex is a combination of interconnected small bones linked together by muscles, ligaments and fascia…

Knee pain

I am recapping (please excuse the pun) on the subject of knee pain as I so frequently have patients coming in for treatment of…

Hip pain

Patients fairly regularly present with pain they describe as being in their hip, groin or pelvic area. There are quite a few…

Foot and ankle pain

The foot and ankle complex is a combination of interconnected small bones linked together by muscles, ligaments and fascia…

Foot Orthotics/ Insoles

The prescription and use of foot orthotics is controversial but, from my clinical experience and recent research, I have found…

Knee pain

The knee is the largest and most complicated joint in the body which consists of many structures which, if damaged by anything…

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