What to do if you have a complaint

Step One

My aim is to get you back to your full potential as quickly as I can, so I certainly hope you won’t have any complaints.  However, sometimes things don’t go quite according to plan, and I want you to know how you can handle any problems.

If you have a complaint or concern about the level of care you have received from me, please let me know: it’s always easier to resolve a problem straight away.  

My promise to you is that I shall:

  • Treat your complaint seriously

  • Work to resolve your complaint promptly and in confidence

  • Learn lessons and use them to review and where appropriate improve our service.

Make your complaint to me at Essential Osteopathy either in person, by phone or in an email or by letter (details below).

If you phone me or speak to me in person, the complaint will be logged and I will attempt to resolve the issue for you.  I will investigate your complaint during the following 3 working days and will:-

  • Find out what happened and what went wrong

  • Contact you with my findings, give you an explanation and aim to reach a mutually agreeable solution – apologising if this is appropriate

  • Identify what I can do to ensure that the problem does not arise again.

If you are not satisfied, I will invite you to come to the clinic to discuss your complaint face to face.  

Here’s how to contact me:

  • Telephone: 07887 655007

  • Email: fiona@essentialosteopathy.co.uk

  • Letter: Fiona McIntosh, Essential Osteopathy, 1st floor, 8 Sandyford Place, Glasgow G3 7NB

Step Two

If you still don’t feel that your complaint has been resolved to your satisfaction you can talk to an independent source about it by ringing the Institute of Osteopathy on Freephone 0800 110 5857, or email enquiries@iOsteopathy.org.

The Institute of Osteopathy is the representative body for UK osteopaths.  They have a very successful record of helping patients who have concerns about their treatment.

Step three

The highest authority for osteopaths is the General Osteopathic Council, a statutory body, set up by Act of Parliament to regulate the profession.  If your complaint is very serious, or concerns safety then you have the option of making a formal complaint to the GOsC.  

You can do this through their website (www.osteopathy.org.uk/standards/complaints/) or by phoning 0207 357 6655. 

Please note that the General Osteopathic Council cannot award compensation

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