Essential Osteopathy Blog

Below you will find a number of blog articles covering a number of subjects about and related to Osteopathy and Osteopathic treatment of various conditions and symptoms from back and neck pain to ankle strains, frozen shoulder, knee pain and more…Use the ‘Search this site‘ box at the bottom right of every page to find particular articles or pages on specific conditions or information of interest.

We hope you find the articles useful and informative.  All feedback is gratefully received.

Referred pain

Referred pain A hugely common question asked of Osteopaths is…”What is referred pain?”. Referred pain is a strange term…

Osteopathy and yoga

Many of my patients present with problems which could be vastly improved by increasing activity levels. This doesn’t mean…

Repetitive Strain injuries

Repetitive strain injury (RSI) affects as many 1 worker in every 50 in the UK. Affecting the upper body mostly – the hands,…


Firstly, to clarify, tendons attach muscles to bone (as opposed to ligaments which attach bone to bone). Tendon injuries, known…

Stress and Osteopathy

Many of know what stress is and know that it is detrimental to our health. It raises blood pressure, weakens the immune system…

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