Essential Osteopathy Blog

Below you will find a number of blog articles covering a number of subjects about and related to Osteopathy and Osteopathic treatment of various conditions and symptoms from back and neck pain to ankle strains, frozen shoulder, knee pain and more…Use the ‘Search this site‘ box at the bottom right of every page to find particular articles or pages on specific conditions or information of interest.

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Latest news – Headaches & acupuncture

The National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) has just published guidelines this month, which reveal that one person in 50 people experience headaches as a result of overusing painkillers – which can reduce the medication’s effectiveness and cause further pain. It also recommends a number of treatment options, including the use of acupuncture, and highlights the importance of correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Osteopathic treatment of sinus problems

As you may already know, your four air-filled chambers called sinuses are found in the frontal bones above your eyes, behind the upper nose, in the sphenoid bones behind your eyes and in your cheekbones.
Their function is to humidify the air as it journeys to the lungs and trap bacteria in the mucus produced by the lymphatic membranes. This bacteria can then be removed from the sinuses by swallowing the mucus or pushing it out of the naval cavity.

Low back pain: Osteopathic Manual Therapy appears to help

Patients with low back pain may benefit from the treatment known as osteopathic manual therapy (OMT).

A new study suggests that the technique leads to clinically significant short-term pain relief for this population of patients.

Back care – choosing a good mattress

There is a common misconception that we should all be sleeping on hard mattresses as soft mattresses are not good for our backs, but this is not necessarily the case. If this is true then what should we be looking for in a mattress? Here are some tips on finding the mattress that’s right for you (and your partner):

Back pain treatment research

Newborn babies are subject to enormous forces when they are born, being squeezed, twisted and turned as they come into the…


Firstly, to clarify, tendons attach muscles to bone (as opposed to ligaments which attach bone to bone). Tendon injuries, known…

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