The Do Re Mi of Standing (and Walking)

Katy Bowman, the biomechanist whose book Move your DNA I recommend highly and talk about in a short book review in this newsletter and on my blog, has written widely about natural movement and body alignment for health and wellbeing. Inspired by fantastic blog posts from her website ‘Nutritious Movement’, here is advice as to how to stand without the traditional cues and psychological preferences like ‘take your shoulders back like a soldier’, ‘push your chest out’, ‘I like to hold my tummy in’ and ‘stand as if you’ve got a book balanced on your head’! Standing (and walking) in an aligned way can really prevent lower extremity (foot, ankle, knee), hip, back and upper body pain:

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Life After Pain: 6 Keys to Break Free of Pain and Get Your Life Back (Dr. Jonathan Kuttner)

I promise I’m not on commission but I recently read this great book and thought I’d recommend it to you if you suffer from chronic pain (that is pain lasting for more than about 3 months). Life After Pain is written by a doctor from New Zealand who had a hand gliding accident and suffered seven years of daily debilitating pain. He decided to research chronic pain for this book, cured his own pain and now treats people with chronic pain regularly. His book gives you a very easy-to-understand explanation of chronic pain, how it can manifest in different ways in people and how to manage, ease and, in a number of cases, even resolve the pain. Having bought the book you can then access bonus material online which gives you more tips and guidance to relieve your pain.

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Osteopathic manipulative treatment for low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

Osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) is a distinctive modality commonly used by osteopathic physicians to complement their conventional treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. Previous reviews and meta-analyses of spinal manipulation for low back pain have not specifically addressed OMT and generally have focused on spinal manipulation as an alternative to conventional treatment. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of OMT as a complementary treatment for low back pain.

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Osteopathic treatment as time ticks on

As we get older we can become frustrated with the fact that we experience more aches and pains, muscle problems, strains and injuries. This is due to our body losing elasticity and flexibility and its ability to recover quickly from exercise. In the case that these pains seem to come from nowhere for no apparent reason, it may be linked to what I call the end of the 'reservoir of compensation' whereby the emotional and physical traumas of life have led to body being unable to cope or compensate. It can feel as if the 'straw has broken the camels back' (although this may be in other areas of the body than the back)!

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Explain pain – Butler & Moseley

This 4 minute clip gives you a brief introduction to the excellent audio book 'Explain Pain' by its authors, David Butler & Lorimer Moseley. It is definitely worth considering buying this book either in hardcopy or in audio format – particularly if you suffer from any chronic (longer lasting) painful conditions:

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Exercise therapy in the management of hip and knee osteoarthritis (NCOR Snapshot Summary)

Osteoarthritis is "a chronic arthropathy characterized by disruption and potential loss of joint cartilage along with other joint changes, including bone hypertrophy (osteophyte formation). Symptoms include gradually developing pain aggravated or triggered by activity, stiffness lasting < 30 min on awakening and after inactivity, and occasional joint swelling". The most common sites affected in the lower body are the knees and hips.

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Skiing – advice to prevent injury

The festive season is almost upon us – and, once all done and dusted, some of us may be looking forward to our skiing holidays. For those that are going skiing, it is important that you are aware that, unless you have been keeping up with regular exercise and have not been too inactive or sedentary, you may be setting yourself up for injury.

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Climbing – advice, most common injuries and tips for treatment

Climbing has become a very popular sport in recent years and with the increase in participation has come an increase in injuries – particularly to the wrist and hands. This article gives you basic tips on how to avoid injury, lists some of the more common climbing injuries and gives you tips on how to treat the injured areas.

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Fitness training – tips to avoid in injury

Many people start a fitness campaign with gusto at the start of the new year. This is great, however injuries often occur when there is a sudden rather than paced increase in duration, intensity or frequency of their activities. Many soft-tissue injuries can b

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The pelvic floor during and after pregnancy

The pelvic floor muscles act like a sling supporting all the pelvic organs including the bladder, uterus and lower part of the bowel. They surround the anus and urethra and vagina, providing additional control to urinary and stool release. During pregnancy and childbirth, the joints and ligaments of the pelvis become lax with the presence of the hormone relaxin and the pelvic floor muscles become stretched as the baby increases in weight within the uterus and during the delivery of the baby. This can result in weakness of the pelvic floor muscles and there can also be scarring of these muscles due to tearing and the resultant episitomy given during childbirth.

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