Essential Osteopathy Blog

Below you will find a number of blog articles covering a number of subjects about and related to Osteopathy and Osteopathic treatment of various conditions and symptoms from back and neck pain to ankle strains, frozen shoulder, knee pain and more…Use the ‘Search this site‘ box at the bottom right of every page to find particular articles or pages on specific conditions or information of interest.

We hope you find the articles useful and informative.  All feedback is gratefully received.

Forward Head Posture

Many of my patients present to me with a ‘forward head posture’. As it suggests, this scenario develops over quite a long time…


Arthritis describes a group of diseases which are characterised by swelling in one or more of your joints. It can be broadly…

TMJ and jaw problems

The letters TMJ stand for the temporo-mandibular joint, the joint attaching the jaw to the head. You can feel it moving in…

Gardening tips to prevent pain

We’re fast reaching the time when gardeners rush out to their gardens with gusto – and without thought as to whether they are…

Slipped discs

There are lots of terms used for problems associated with the discs in your back including ‘slipped disc’, ‘ruptured disc’,…

Hip pain

Patients fairly regularly present with pain they describe as being in their hip, groin or pelvic area. There are quite a few…

Modern acupuncture and Osteopathy

As an adjunct to the Osteopathic techniques which I use to treat patients, I also use modern acupuncture (dry-needling) to great…

Frozen shoulder

True Frozen Shoulder Syndrome (FSS) can be a very difficult and painful condition which affects an average of 3% of the…

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