Essential Osteopathy Blog

Below you will find a number of blog articles covering a number of subjects about and related to Osteopathy and Osteopathic treatment of various conditions and symptoms from back and neck pain to ankle strains, frozen shoulder, knee pain and more…Use the ‘Search this site‘ box at the bottom right of every page to find particular articles or pages on specific conditions or information of interest.

We hope you find the articles useful and informative.  All feedback is gratefully received.

Ankle, achilles & foot pain

The ankle and foot complex is a combination of interconnected small bones linked together by muscles, ligaments and fascia…

Sports injuries of the shoulder

Patients often present with problems in the shoulder area that start with microscopic muscle tears and strains as a response to…

Osteopathy and Headaches

Many people visit the Essential Osteopathy clinic to seek relief from headaches. Headaches can often be caused by increased…

Knee pain

I am recapping (please excuse the pun) on the subject of knee pain as I so frequently have patients coming in for treatment of…

Workstation set-up

Quite a number of my desk-working patients are presenting to me with back, neck and other problems such as tennis elbow because…

Back pain

As the leading cause of work-related absence in the UK, back pain is having a major impact on us on both a personal and societal…

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