Treating all ages with Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy is a subtle and gentle type of osteopathic treatment which can help to relieve tension and everyday stress patterns that have built up throughout the body.

The treatment itself involves the delicate manipulation of the cranial and spinal bones in order to restore the cranial rhythm. In the treatment of adults, while the practitioner holds the appropriate bones and gently manipulates tissues, the patient is asked to concentrate on releasing tension and breathing.

Who is treated with Cranial Osteopathy?

Cranial Osteopathy is an effective approach that may be used in people of all ages. Babies are often treated after birth (click here to view my blog article about treating babies with cranial osteopathy and this article discusses the treatment of babies with colic). Cranial osteopathy is a gentle treatment that may help to ease the dramatic change from life inside the womb to life in the world outside. Adults may also benefit from cranial osteopathy.

Cranial Osteopathy – Babies

Newborn babies are subject to enormous forces when they are born, being squeezed, twisted and turned as they come into the world. This puts a lot of pressure onto the baby, particularly its head at the base of the skull where the tongue and guts may be irritated causing problems with suckling, discomfort and nausea. The immature gut and diaphragm are often also stressed and distorted which further compromises digestion and reduces the ability of the stomach to retain its contents. 

Tensions on the bony and membranous structures of the skull may, in turn, be keeping the baby’s nervous system in a constant state of high alert. In a lot of cases there are no issues with the baby as it grows, however, quite a number of babies experience colicky symptoms as a result of these issues – or have silent or productive reflux, are windy, have problems latching, difficulty sleeping and/or be crying uncontrollably, especially in the evening.

Initially the mother will be asked about the pregnancy, the birth and the baby’s health, constitution, feeding and sleeping patterns. The cranial osteopath will then assess the problem and subtly and gently release any pressure that remains from the birth using very gentle techniques and their highly developed sense of palpation. Often the baby sleeps like a baby after the treatment! 

Have a look at these clips from YouTube to get a taster as to the how, why and what of Cranial Osteopathic treatment of babies:

Essential Osteopathy Google reviews – quite a few of these reviews are from parents who’ve had their baby treated by me using Cranial Osteopathy:

Do email or phone me for more information about this type of treatment, or if you would like to arrange an osteopathic check-up following birth as it can help to pin-point potential problems and help ease the dramatic transition from life inside the womb to the outside world. Please note that cranial Osteopathy can also be a very effective and relaxing treatment for adults!

Who benefits from Cranial Osteopathy?

Click here to find out how Cranial Osteopathy can help people of all ages from babies to the elderly with a wide variety of different symptoms from back pain to headaches.

Please contact us if you have any questions or require further information about cranial osteopathy or any osteopathic treatment.

Blog article

– Cranial Osteopathy – treating babies

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