Osteopathic Treatments

Please scroll down on this page or click on the tabs under ‘Treatments’ to read about the treatments I provide and find about more about Osteopathy, Modern Acupuncture and Cranial Osteopathy. 

Treatment Services 

Initial consultation and treatment (1 hour)

On arrival for your face to face appointment, you will be given a medical grade mask (which it is obligatory to wear during consultation and treatment) and your temperature will be taken. Your case history will be taken and your posture and function will then be examined in various different positions – standing, sitting and/or lying down on the plinth. You may be asked to undress to your underwear for this part of the consultation (please bring shorts and/or sports bra to wear if you would feel more comfortable).

Fiona will then discuss her findings and diagnosis with you and advise you of her suggested treatment plan before starting treatment. Treatments and treatment plans are always discussed with the patient beforehand to make sure that you remain informed and within your comfort zone. Once the treatment plan has been agreed with you, Fiona will start treating you using the treatments already mentioned – a combination of gentle massage, stretching and joint articulation and mobilisation as appropriate. Mobilisation may involve the use of a technique called high velocity low amplitude thrust (HVT). The aim of this treatment is to improve range of movement in a joint and reduce muscular tension surrounding that joint. With the consent of the patient, dry-needling (modern acupuncture) may also be used to release muscle tension by treating specific trigger points. This alleviates nerve tissue irritation by reducing the nerve impulse, or stimulating local blood supply where it may be naturally poor. Cranial Osteopathy may also be used as appropriate.

At the end of the treatment, advice will then be given on appropriate self-help treatments, posture, exercises and the application of heat or ice (as there can be some tenderness and aching after the treatment which is normal and can be expected to ease within 48 hours).

Babies: Cranial Osteopathy Initial Consultation and Treatment (1 hour)

Newborn babies are subject to enormous forces when they are born, being squeezed, twisted and turned as they come into the world. This puts a lot of pressure onto the baby, particularly its head at the base of the skull where the tongue and guts may be irritated causing problems with suckling, discomfort and nausea. The immature gut and diaphragm are often also stressed and distorted which further compromises digestion and reduces the ability of the stomach to retain its contents. Tensions on the bony and membranous structures of the skull may, in turn, be keeping the baby’s nervous system in a constant state of high alert. In a lot of cases there are no issues with the baby as it grows, however, quite a number of babies experience colicky symptoms as a result of these issues – or are generally unsettled, have problems sleeping, latching problems (usually due to tongue tie, jaw tension or tension in the cranium or neck), symptoms of colic, signs of plagiocephaly, wind and/or have silent or productive reflux (and associated symptoms such as sickness or grunting or difficulty lying on their backs).

On arrival for your baby’s face to face appointment, you (and your partner as applicable) will be given a medical grade mask (which it is obligatory to wear during consultation and treatment) and your temperature will be taken.  Initially the mother and/or partner will be asked about the pregnancy, the birth and the baby’s health, constitution, feeding and sleeping patterns. The cranial osteopath will then assess the problem and subtly and gently release any pressure that remains from the birth using very gentle techniques and their highly developed sense of palpation. Treatment can take place with your baby in your lap, whilst feeding or upright. Often the baby sleeps like a baby after the treatment!

Please visit this page on the Essential Osteopathy website for more information:


Essential Osteopathy Google reviews – quite a few of these reviews are from parents who’ve had their baby treated by me using Cranial Osteopathy:


Follow-up treatment (40 minutes)

Fiona will get a brief update from you as to your symptoms and how you are progressing after which she will continue treating as agreed in the initial appointment. Further advice and exercises will be prescribed as appropriate.  In the case of treatment of a baby or young child, Fiona will be updated by his or her parent(s) before continuing treatment.

Combined follow up treatment (1 hour)

This 1 hour long follow up treatment will usually include acupuncture and/or Cranial Osteopathy combined with structural Osteopathic treatment as appropriate.  Further exercises and advice will be given as appropriate.

Follow the links below to find out more about the the treatment process and the general treatments (Osteopathy), such as soft tissue massage and articulation, which Fiona uses to treat most patients.  In addition, there are pages giving information on dry-needling (modern acupuncture) and cranial osteopathy which Fiona also uses as appropriate. 

Osteopathy Osteopathy is a manual therapy which usually involves a combination of treatment modalities including soft or deep…

Dry-needling (modern acupuncture) Dry-needling, or modern acupuncture, is a useful adjunct to Osteopathic treatment as it helps…

Cranial Osteopathy Cranial Osteopathy is a subtle and gentle type of osteopathic treatment which can help to relieve tension…

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